Jan 25, 2020
Our heroes are still exploring the Department of Evocation with Jeb the Mimic Custodian. They need to "solve" a puzzle and find that wand fragment! As Jeb has pointed out, the person who sucked his soul out of body and stuck in a mimic--Bizzim the Blazing--is in here somewhere. Will Jeb have the courage to confront...
Jan 18, 2020
Shubert is back as Jeb the Mimic Custodian for another fun-filled episode! Jeb and his new friends are trying to get past the elementals in the Hall of Elemental Conflict so that they can get into the Department of Evocation. Jeb just wants to get back to cleaning things, but the rest of the party is looking for...
Jan 11, 2020
The heroes have reached the Evocation level of the underground research facility, and a big surprise is waiting for them, and for you! We have an incredible guest player this week, with a bizarre guest character. You're going to love him.
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