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Apr 29, 2023

The Trial of Paxton/Frith continues! Paxton must confront his accusers, and hope that somehow his rag golem lawyers can persuade the court of his (sort of) innocence. Pink is doing an amazing job DMing, isn't he? 

Art for this episode is by Brandon of Love and Hex

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Apr 15, 2023

Paxton (or Frith!) and the Lumpens have been captured by the forces of the city of Two, and now Paxton faces judgement for past crimes. It's finally time for the Trail of Paxton! Can his attorneys defend him adequately? Do they even know what a trial is? 

Art for this episode is by Brandon of Love and Hex

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Apr 1, 2023

Our music release for this month is combat music from Broken Tusk Rising, the first campaign for the new Tales of Bob actual-play podcast! Broken Tusk Rising is what we're calling our playthrough of the "Quest for the Frozen Flame" adventure path, published by Paizo Inc. Heroes in the frozen north must confront...