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May 28, 2022

This week the heroes embark on an important journey, and have a surprising random encounter on the way. The main story will go on hiatus for several weeks after this, but we will have a series of one shots for you, and our usual musical releases. 

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May 21, 2022

The meeting with the queen didn't go well, and the party has just received news that Levarrion has conquered another city. Can it get worse?

It can!

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May 14, 2022

It's finally time to meet with the queen and persuade her to help the party! I'm sure all of the party will treat this as the serious event that this is. 

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May 7, 2022

It's the first weekend of the month, so this release is music--weird, creepy music befitting a disgusting monster like the Oblex!

Next week we're back with episode 151, and the heroes will have a long chat with the Sorcerer Queen!

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