Nov 30, 2019
The party has to finish exploring the rest of the "safe" side of the Divination level before they confront the dangerous Neothelid. No, there are no more experiments for them to work out, but it's not terribly exciting, either. Next week, though...
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Nov 23, 2019
The party ventures into the Divination level in pursuit of the
next wand fragment, and finds a lot of weird stuff. Weird monsters,
weird experiments, weird everything. Getting this fragment
is going to be dangerous work.
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Nov 9, 2019
The heroes of World 83 meet Zartok the Tiefling Wizard and try to explain everything that has happened in the story so far. Do they do a good job conveying to Zartok the enormity of their accomplishments, and the importance of their current task?
No. No, they don't really do a good job explaining it all. Fortunately for...
Nov 9, 2019
Do you want a good, thorough summary of everything that happened in the first 40 episodes? Then you need a bard to do the summarizing!
That's right, Aster Fortuna, bard extraordinaire, is here to provide an exciting, dramatic, and tasteful summary! All the important events from Season 1, episodes 1 to 40, are here,...